What No One Tells You About January 1st

At brunch on Sunday, my friend ordered a pancake and then immediately looked defeated.

"I told myself that I'd stop eating gluten for January, but I guess that's all going to hell now."

She was in good company. I had been saying that I was going to implement "No Restaurant Month" in January as an effort to recoup the money I spent on the holidays.

While the waitress asked if I wanted more coffee, I acknowledged that I was also off to a great start.

But that's why I take a different approach than most to January.

I call it, "Tryout Month."

January is the month where I get to try out all the habits or changes that I've been thinking about making without the commitment to stick to them.

Want to join me? Here's how to do it:

  • Think of at few things you'd like to change or implement. Maybe it's eating better or exercising more. Perhaps it's journaling or reading instead of watching TV. Maybe it's meditating or not firing off reactive emails. Big or small, pick something that when practiced regularly might greatly improve how you move through your days.

  • Decide exactly how you want to do it. Instead of saying "eat better," be clear about what that means ("eat a green vegetable everyday," "no sugar after 8pm," "Drink 4 bottles of water," etc.)

  • Take it week by week. This is how you don't "blow it" by missing a day or week. Let each week be a fresh start to begin anew.

  • Reflect at the end of the week on how you did. Did you meet your goal? If so, what helped? If not, what could you change to make it easier? Do you want to try again next week or try something new?

(You can also do this at any other time of the year, not just January!)

So, even if you didn't start something right on January 1st, all hope is not lost. The truth is that you've got all kinds of fresh starts available throughout the year.

More good news: You'll have a new month next month. You'll have 4 more Mondays this month. At some point this year you'll have a birthday.

Everyday is a great day to change your life. Don't let the New Year's hype fool you.

I'd love to know:

What is one thing you want to try out this month? What change are you experimenting with over the next few weeks?

Leave me a comment below.