Find More Gratitude with These Two Questions

You’ve heard that a gratitude practice can help you feel less stressed, right?

Have you ever found that the practice actually stresses you out? 

I’ve experienced this. 

For years, I would do a project that I called, “101 Days of Gratitude,” where I’d attempt to practice gratitude for 101 days leading up to Thanksgiving. 

Ironically, the thing that I created to help me feel less stressed actually would burn me out. 

Year after year, I’d start out strong and then a month in I’d start skipping days. I’d feel bad and like I couldn’t even do a simple gratitude practice. 

I recently discovered the reason why and am glad to learn it’s not me. 

Plus, I now know a better way to find appreciation and guess what … it works!

Watch this video and learn how to use gratitude to live a more fulfilling life.

You’ll discover:

  • The book that helped me understand why gratitude would actually feel hard to do.

  • The mistake that most people make when they practice gratitude.

  • A  one word change that can help make gratitude more meaningful.

  • Another set of questions that will take you on a deeper gratitude journey. 

Pretty easy, huh?

Who knew this slight shift could yield such a rich garden of gratitude? 

It’s worth bringing these questions to your dinner tables. 

Let’s practice together.

I’d love to know:

How will you be incorporating this practice into your life?

What people and events did it make you think of? 

Leave me a comment. 

I’d love to build a huge gratitude circle with you!