The truth and my heart

"No one ever has 'talker's block'" - Seth Godin

Yes, and in my head, there is no thinker's block either. But there is a critic's mallet. A gavel thunders down after each thought. Most thoughts. 


When I try to listen for it, however, it starts to fade away, like when you catch your friend who constantly mumbles by surprise and genuinely ask, "What did you say?"

Suddenly, a voice that couldn't shut up realized it was being listened to and then clams up, unable to speak for fear of actually being heard

To equal out the equation, I can help my thoughts become words and become posts by forgetting that anyone might be reading this anyway. 

And if I listen to the inner judgments and innocently ask, "What did you say?" I can start to remove the barriers between the truth and my heart.

Beginning Again, Again

Every day is a new beginning, and presumably, I'll have a new thing to say. (At least that's what Seth Godin has to say about it.)

I do have a new thing to say because I always have something to say. 

Lately, I've been working on saying more by saying less. This is one of the keys to good writing. So why not try again? Every day, find something worth sharing, something worth saying. Say it in the least amount of words possible. But say it (or write it!) nonetheless.